5 Minutes

I recently heard a story about a woman whose son recently had passed away while serving overseas.

She was asked, given an opportunity to re-experience 5 minutes with him, what 5 minutes would she choose?

With 30 years of history to draw from, choosing those 5 minutes would not be an easy task.

She decided on this one time as a little boy when her son came running in from outside. He had been hurt. He was crying.

He rushed to her and hugged her.

It was one of the few moments that stick out in her mind when her son truly needed her.


This is one of those stories that surprise you when the message hits you.

I couldn’t help but think how beautiful this image was in my head.

And how, at some level, we all have this fundamental need to be needed.

But what about you?

Given the chance to re-experience 5 minutes with someone special to you – what would you choose?

What if you had the chance to repeat any 5 minutes from your life?

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